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Humberto maturana born september 14, 1928 is a chilean biologist turned philosopher. Humberto maturana 1928 biologist, cybernetician, scientist invented his theory of autopoiesis following in the pathways of bateson, wittgenstein, the social ricorso of vico, the selfproduction notion of paul weiss, and many others. Buscalibre argentina libros del autor humberto maturana ver opiniones y comentarios. He has spent his career elaborating this theory within. Livro biologia del emocionar y alba emoting humberto maturana e susana bloch 3 respostas. Quien es humberto maturana y cuales son sus aportes cientificos. Ver todos libros del autor humberto maturana antropologia. Buscalibre argentina libros del autor humberto maturana. Maturana s thinking is analyzed and ontology, epistemology and language theory. Buscalibre chile libros del autor humberto maturana. Humberto maturana romecin convivir, comprender y transformar.

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